Friday, August 5, 2011

It's you or me buddy...

I have found that every time I decide to wage war against my children, they always win, so why even try? Last night I decided that McKay was going to stick it out and wait 3 hours between feedings because he is big enough to wait that long and I am so tired. He woke up at his 2 hour mark as usual and I bounced him and rocked him and sang to him and he never fell back asleep. So finally I just gave in and fed him again. Sadly, this pattern resulted in even less sleep for mama. We both woke up this morning tired and frustrated. Maybe I just need to work him up to it gradually like say making him wait 20 minutes longer instead of an hour. Hmm kind of the method used when boiling a frog...I am definitely in the mood for vindictive similes this afternoon...Poor kid, he doesn't even know what he's done to make mama grouchy.

It is so funny to frown at a baby and tell him what a torment he is and just have him giggle and coo at you. somehow I just don't think that this method of avoiding confrontation would work with adults.
Joe: "I hate you Kym!"
Kym: "goo...slow blink...drool"
Joe: "Awww...let me just look into your cherubic face and nuzzle you."

No...I just don't think that it would ever go down like that.

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