Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunshine, daisy's butter mellow...

We have had some beautiful sun-shinny days here in alpine since we got back in January. If you know me at all, then you know how much I love/need to get out with my kids in the stroller. I load them up with snacks/sippy cups, toys, books, and blankets, grab my ipod so I can listen to a book and we head out to visit the park, or the thrift store, or the library. Sometimes we stop at the grocery store to grab a few things or the toy store to dream about owning the battery operated kitties (Jadyn). Sometimes we walk to the house with the horse tethered in the front yard. Or visit the Big Bend Museum to see the train. Does it sound like fun? we think so. The alternative is to stay home and drive each other nuts.
A few weeks ago we discovered a love for a little park on the other side of the tracks. It is usually deserted and has sparked in Jadyn a great love for dolphins. (it has some blue whales on springs that she loves to ride. She insists that they are dolphins). This park also has the old playground equipment that we all grew up on. You know, the kind that would never meet today's safety standards? Huge jungle gyms and rickety towers. 

Jadyn loves to walk up on the wing of a mock airplane. It puts her about 3 feet above my head, so she stands there saying "I'm taller mama! I'm taller!!" and I hover beneath her saying "Be careful Jadyn! be sooooo careful!! Go slow!!"  I have no idea at what point you stop hovering around your kids at the playground, but I don't see myself stopping anytime soon. 

 McKay hiding while eating dirt.

Swinging together!

McKay climbing on the car.

Jadyn politely suggesting that McKay drive on his own wheel.

Hanging out together.

McKay digging in the sand box.
The other day we popped a tire and had to park and lock the stroller. Usually we just wait for Daddy to come and rescue us but he was in class, so we had to hand out for while before he could come. Conveniently, we were only a block away from the McDonald play place. Jadyn loves to crawl around in the tubes but only if there are no big kids around. On the few occasions that the place has been stormed by screaming children and Jadyn was up in the top, I had to crawl up there to retrieve my own screaming child. Haha poor little girl. She likes to tell me "4 more minutes mama! say four more minutes!" whenever she wants to keep doing her own thing. Often while holding up only two fingers. I am loving all of the little ways that she is beginning to show her independence!  

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I so miss being able to walk all those wonderful places! [We have a double stroller now (thanks to your recommendation!), but have not been out in it enough.]

    Where'd you find the great park?!
