Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Harry Potter Mania

I am a die hard Harry Potter fan, but due to living on a tight budget and being married to a not-quite-so-die-hard husband, I decided that I really could wait for the last Harry Potter movie to hit Redbox before I saw it. I thought that this decision would be pretty easy to stand by until my friend's and family's responses to the movie began to hit Facebook...and the pictures of all of the amazing Harry Potter costumes and parties were posted, and I found myself desperately wanting to join the masses outside of our local movie theater's ticket window wearing an "I love Potter" T-shirt and wielding a hand carved wand. The night after the movie opened we decided to have our own little Harry Potter party at home and watch part 1 of the seventh movie, in preparation for the now anxiously awaited viewing of part 2. The kids and I sported the obligatory Potter scars and we had so much fun spending the evening together! The next day the online Potter-mania was out of control, and after watching me stare longingly at the movie trailer, my darling husband packed us all up and took us to see the new movie. Yea Joe!! We watched it in 3D (the only version that our theater showed) and LOVED it. It was such an awesome movie!!! We snuck in a pint of vanilla ice cream but it all melted before we remembered it, we were so involved in the movie!! So happy to share that the end of the Potter decade was fully appreciated at our house!!

1 comment:

  1. Okay... I don't know if you want comments on your blog or not, but I am going to anyway because I LOVE this post. You guys are the cutest. I love the little glasses and lightning bolt on Jadyn. I am so glad that Joe took you to see the movie. Wasn't it the best? It was well worth the wait and definitely finished the series on a high note. Oh, and so funny about the ice cream.
