Tuesday, October 11, 2011

YES! Mormons are followers of Jesus Christ!

I have a favorite Hymn that I sing to Jadyn at night when I am putting her to bed called “I Know That My Redeemer Lives.” The first verse reads:
I know that my redeemer lives
What comfort this sweet sentence gives
He lives, He lives who once was dead
He lives, my ever living head.
He lives to bless me with His love.
He lives to plead for me above.
He lives my hungry soul to feed.
He lives to bless in time of need.

Here is a beautiful rendition of this hymn from YouTube:

As a mother, I have a desperate hope that my children will grow to know their Lord and savior Jesus Christ. To know that He loves them. My favorite moments with my sweet two year old are when she expresses an interest in talking about spiritual things. She is learning to say her own prayers and sometimes the things that she comes up with make me laugh, but I absolutely love hearing her voice them!

This is a typical prayer for Jadyn: “Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this day…Thank you for McKay, and Daddy, and Mama, and Jadyn, and Blue, and cereal, and spiders…Christ. Amen.”
I love it. I love that she loves to pray, and that she will remind us when it is time to pray if we happen to forget.

A few weeks ago Jadyn found a rock that Joe had brought into our house and held it up excitedly exclaiming “Mommy! It’s Jesus! It’s Jesus! Mommy!”
I found out later that she got this idea from her nursery leader at church. The lesson had been about how Jesus Christ is the rock of our salvation. That He should be our foundation.
Whether or not Jadyn missed the point, I love that she is thinking and talking about Jesus. It makes me so happy as a parent to know that she is already developing a relationship with her savior!

Over the last couple of days the media has been making a huge deal over the remark that Reverend Jeffress made that Mormons are not Christians. There is an awesome article HERE that addresses that question and asserts that YES! Mormons are followers of Jesus Christ! I hope that all of this media attention will encourage more people to look more closely at what we believe, and what they themselves believe! If you have any questions about the Mormon faith, PLEASE ask me!

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