-Joe received an assistantship that will help pay for his graduate degree in a big way.
-We found an apartment...when family housing (and all other apartment complexes) were already full.
-We found all of the furniture that we needed for an AWESOME deal.
-A Branch of the Church here in Alpine, with members that have been SO welcoming!
-A group of fellow mommy's who were also looking for companionship. I love meeting for story time at the library, play day at the park, and crafts at somebodies home!
-Friends who share our interests, come for games 2-3 nights a week and conveniently live next door to us for when I need to borrow eggs.
-A graduate community that BBQ's once a week and tolerates a 1 1/2 year old getting into all of their stuff.
-Both of our families coming to visit.
-A monster calf that paid for us to go home for Christmas!
-The safe arrival of baby McKay. He is such a sweet baby!
-We were finally accepted into family housing up on campus (yea for a washing machine, dish washer, and a second bedroom!)
-A new part time job babysitting (SO grateful for the extra income! and for a work opportunity that I can do while staying home with my kiddos)
-A tax return that will enable us to pay for the next year of graduate school WITHOUT taking out a student loan.
-The beautiful weather that lets me get out with both of my babies.
-Joe's flexible schedule that lets him be home when I need him (for the most part!).
-Our wonderful families, who love and support us, especially while we are so far away!